Rights-Of-Way Field Tours

 Latta Nature Preserve • McGuire Nuclear Station • Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Station Field Session 

OCTOBER 9, 2022


Latta Nature Preserve, McGuire Nuclear Station, Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Station Field Session 

Group A – 50 people



Destination Address 

9:00– 9:30 

Departure from hotel, realistically 9:00 0.5 hour to Mecklenburg County’s Latta Nature Preserve, 9:30 arrive at Latta Nature Preserve “Overflow” Parking Area 

Latta Nature Preserve: 6211 Sample Rd, Huntersville, NC 28078 

9:30– 11:00 

Arrive at Latta Nature Preserve Parking area (dirt road left of the Nature Center); allow use of the restrooms in museum; walk 0.25 mile down trail to the transmission ROW (Riverbend-Wildcat/Allen-Winecoff 230kV). Participate in initial safety moment and group discussion regarding Park-led ROW habitat/rare plant program and Duke Energy’s ROW IVM. Walk another 0.25 mile to the prairie restoration area for additional Park-led discussion on the benefits of prescribed burning in habitat restoration. 

NOTE: the trail is actually a 15-foot wide gravel path of easy grade. 

Latta Nature Preserve Overflow Parking Area, trail, and transmission line. 

11:00– 11:15 

Drive North on Beatties Ford Road turn left on Highway 73 (1.5 mile) to the Cowans Ford Hydroelectric facility overlook area for discussion of dam/powerhouse and associated linear ROWs. 

Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Station. 

257 Duke Lane, Stanley, NC 28164 


Cowans Ford Hydroelectric facility overlook area for Duke Energy led discussion of dam/powerhouse, associated linear ROWs, and site history. 


Other Items: Recommend people bring hiking boots or sturdy walking shoes, binoculars, sunscreen, hat, layers, insect repellant. Duke will provide water and snacks. 

Group B – 50 people




Destination Address 

9:00– 9:30 

Departure from hotel, realistically 9:00 0.5 hour to McGuire Nuclear Station substation and T&D ROW 

McGuire Nuclear Station, Substation and ROW site. 

13520 Highway 73, Huntersville, NC 28078 

9:30– 11:15 

Drive north on I-77 to Highway 73 (Exit 25) to McGuire Nuclear Station substation and transmission and distribution ROW and IVM examples. Park at McGuire garage lot and walk 0.25 mile to ROW area. Additional discussion by T&D systems engineering and transmission site team. 

11:15– 12:00 

Drive south on Highway 73 (0.5 mile) to the Cowans Ford Hydroelectric facility overlook and parking area for discussion of dam/powerhouse, associated linear ROWs, and site history. 

Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Station. 

257 Duke Lane, Stanley, NC 28164 

12:00– 1:30 

Drive north up Beatties Ford Road to McGuire Nuclear Station Energy Explorium, unload, 1.5 hour for catered BBQ lunch (Duke Energy provided) and walking around the lake. There is a pavilion, tables/chairs tables, auxiliary canopy where people can eat.

McGuire Nuclear Station, Energy Explorium: 

13339 McGuire Nuclear Station Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 


Other Items: Recommend people bring hiking boots or sturdy walking shoes, binoculars, sunscreen, hat, layers, insect repellant. Duke will provide water and snacks. 

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